Greetings, fellow foreign visitors!

    This is never a blog with high traffic, yet when I observe it in my little backstage, I often find some people from the US, Spain or other Western countries (including you who are reading this post, I hope), and the amount were sometimes even higher than that from countries using Chinese. It REALLY makes me wonder: Where are you, my precious foreign visitors, from? (Like, not where you geologically from, but how did you find this little blog)

    And I figured that it is not really polite to ask things without introducing myself. In short, I am an University student in Hong Kong, sharing my view, habits and life occasionally through this blog. I had abandon this site for about 2 years and just pick it back up, so you'll see a weird updating trend going on. This blog, as I've mentioned, is a really small one and everyone of you visiting this blog really cheer me up (Although I believe that most of you (foreign visitors) found this page by accident)!

    Sorry to welcome you guys with a blog with only long ass Chinese posts, and wish you a good day on the Internet!

TL;DR: I'm a student from Hong Kong, and I'm really curious about how you find this blog🤣


